Rats fall in one of the worst categories of pests. We don’t blame them for this. Sadly, our poor lifestyle and certain unhygienic conditions created by us give rise to their numbers. Rats are cleanliness freaks, but condition where they live can be deadly. Food dumps, clutter, garbage, debris, etc… are reasons for rats at home. Moreover, their powerful senses can smell food at a good distance from the kitchen
Rats can roam around freely and fearless in your house as they are smart tricksters. They can trick you easily and enjoy fooling around. It is critical to prevent their entrance in the kitchen area or you will face several health complications spread by them.
Serious health concerns spread by rats:
- Bite or scratch from an infected rat can be bad for humans. It causes rat-bite fever. It usually occurs by coming in contact with rat’s saliva, feces, and urine.
- Hantavirus is another major risk by rats and the worse thing is the disease doesn’t have a specific treatment or cure yet.
- Plague is another disease that is spread by rat’s presence and trough their fleas. It is also known as Black Plague.
- The urine and saliva traces of rats can also endanger the immune system of people as well as other pet animals.
Damages by rats:
- Other than spreading diseases, rats cause structural damages. For instance, they chew electrical wiring, cause fire accidental scenarios, and damage the water pipes.
- Rats are known pests that contaminate food. With their hair, urine, and feces, they contaminate food and make it inedible for humans.
- Pests are known to transmit diseases to humans and other animals.
- Rats damage personal and expensive belongs of the homeowners such as fabrics, stationery, books, furniture, electrical appliances, and more…
5 Simple solutions to prevent rats in the kitchen:
- Storing food in airtight containers will help keep rats away. Rats are highly attracted to food, water, and other stuff. You may have to be very careful in keeping things away from these rats and it is possible when you use containers with tight lids.
- Another way to keep rats away is by keeping the kitchen clean. Keeping kitchen counters and floor clean regularly prevents the food aroma to spread further. Citrus smell and strong detergent based floor cleaners wouldn’t entice the rats much to settle down.
- Keeping garbage bags and garbage cans away from the house may help you keep rats out too! Rats are highly attracted to garbage and debris. They even survive on munching leftovers from the trash. Be careful where you place your garbage bags and cans or you will soon find rats playing games with you in the house.
- Use mouse trap where applicable to capture mouse and release them to their wildlife as they belong there. You may have to use some bait to let them enter the traps such as a piece of cheese, peanut butter, etc…
- One of the best and most gentle ways of dealing with rats is to seal the entry points. Inspect your house and look for even tiny gaps. The flexible skeleton of rats helps them slide through even from minor gaps. Fix these holes and gaps before you see the whole family of rat inviting themselves to your house.
Other than all the above points, there is pest control that can help you with rat problems in your kitchen. They are highly professional people at pointepest.com and know every way to settle rat issues at properties. Yours is not the first house with these situations for them.