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Why Do Termites Build Mud Tubes?

To determine if there is a visible infestation, pest control experts will search for termite signs on and around your property during a termite inspection. Wood damage, “shelving,” fluttering swarmer termites, termite frass, and other elements are just a few of these termite indicators. Mud tubes are one of the most revealing and significant signs of a termite infestation.

Your house probably has a severe or recently established termite infestation if you notice what seem to be mud veins spreading up the walls and even over the ceiling. But what are mud tubes, and what is their purpose? Visit this website to learn more about pest infestation. 

What is the use of mud tubes for termites?

Subterranean termites, the most common termites that construct these tubes, typically build them when they find an above-ground food source. They use saliva as an adhesive and debris or other materials easily found to construct the tubes. The length of the tubes may vary depending on how close the termite colony is to the food availability, and they are usually roughly the width of a pencil.

Although termites may build mud tubes anywhere, they frequently path along surfaces like ceilings, walls, subfloors, joists, or the base of a house. In basements and crawl spaces, where termite workers build “drop tubes,” stalagmite-like mud tube pillars that connect mud basement floors to wooden structures above, advanced mud tubes can even connect to open air.

Why do termites require mud tubes?

To protect themselves from enemies and the outdoors, termites build mud tubes. The tubes’ enclosed sections shield the termites from light and severe variations in temperature, rain, and wind.

Workers are also protected from several predators by termite tubes. Termites are easy prey for many predators in the US due to their small size, lack of defense, and abundance in vast colonies. Termites are eaten by (and potentially attract) various other insects, including birds, small animals, wasps, centipedes, cockroaches, and crickets.

Do you have mud tubes?

You probably have an active termite problem if you find termite mud tubes. While removing the mud tubes by yourself may be tempting, doing so may encourage termites to construct new tubes in places that are more difficult to find and treat.

The majority of home improvement companies provide DIY pest control products, but they can be costly and have a variety of drawbacks. Store-bought termite sprays are less effective than expert services and can be dangerous to kids, pets, and local animals.

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