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How to Hire an Attic Insulation Contractor

Sealing and insulating your home can save you up to 10% on your annual energy bills while improving your home’s comfort in the winter and the summer.   The first step is to check your attic and confirm that you need more insulation and probably some air sealing. If so, most people find the best way to get good results is to find a trained insulation contractor, such as, to do the job for you.

Preparation Before Calling

Before reaching out to a contractor, it’s helpful to gather some key details about the project:

Shop Around – Selecting a Contractor

When selecting an insulation contractor, it’s essential to find one with the necessary equipment and expertise to complete the job efficiently and effectively. While speed is often a benefit of hiring professionals, ensuring you receive fair pricing and quality workmanship is paramount. Rather than relying solely on a search engine, prioritize contractors who are licensed to work in your state, possess insurance coverage, and are trained and certified for the task at hand. Many regions offer incentives for home energy improvements, and utility companies often provide pre-screened lists of licensed and insured contractors on their websites, offering a reliable starting point for your search.

Talking to Contractors on the Phone

When reaching out to a contractor via call or email to schedule an appointment, it’s crucial to address the following points:

The Day of the Job

On the day of the job, it’s important to communicate your expectations clearly with the contractor and crew. Don’t hesitate to ask for the following procedures to be followed, ensuring a satisfactory outcome. Maintain a polite yet firm approach when requesting these tasks:

Make Sure the Job’s Done Right – Things to Consider

When hiring a contractor, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the proposed work. Don’t hesitate to ask questions before the contractor commences, and remain engaged throughout the process. Here are some key points to consider:

End of the Job

Upon completion of the job, the contractor should furnish you with documentation detailing the amount of insulation added and the new insulation R-value for your attic. Once the work is finished, consider taking a photograph and comparing it to the earlier pictures to observe the improvement. With the project finalized, you can relax and take pleasure in the enhanced comfort and energy efficiency of your home.

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